Student Solution


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Module 6_ Nature of Crime

Module 6_ Nature of Crime

Q A. Discuss the emergence of the conflict view (who were its primary founders and is their sound empirical support for Conflict Criminology today)?

Q B. What does Akers mean when he distinguishes between theoretical competition and theoretical integration?C. Is the criminological discourse multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary? Using the research and the evolution of criminological thought, make your case as to whether criminology is moving toward theoretical integration or theoretical competition? Examples warranted.D. The debate between Gottfredson/Hirschi and Sampson/Laub could be construed as the Hatfield and McCoy dispute of criminology. This debate offers the proverbial cat and dogfight over the causes of crime. What do Gottfredson and Hirschi say is the cause of crime? What do Sampson and Laub say is the cause of crime? E. Which one of these two perspectives (Gottfredson and Hirschi or Sampson and Laub) enjoys more empirical support? Describe why and how you come to this conclusion.

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Karl Marx put forward the idea of the conflict theory where he said that due to the competition for resources in the society which are limited in nature; individuals are in constant conflict with one another. Thorsten Sellin and Edwin Sutherland can be referred to as the proponents of Conflict Theory. There is diversity in the society and so there are various ideas presented by everyone. Conflict arises when one decision or opinion is a complete contrast with someone else’s opinion and both are stuck with the belief that what they have said is the correct statement. We can say that conflict arises from a non-consensus. According to Sellin the main source of crime is the issue of culture conflict.